
On our rowing trips, we decided we wanted our guests to run the river much like Major John Wesley Powell experienced it in 1869. Powell's group used wooden boats not designed for the rigors of the Colorado River's white water. For the next 70 years, explorers that followed Powell tinkered with designs and techniques, refining to a science the art of rowing wooden boats in white water. In the 1960s, conservationist, writer and boatman Martin Litton introduced the dory to Grand Canyon after rowing similar boats on the Mackenzie River in Oregon. The dory exhibits the grace and heritage of the old wood boat, providing an exhilarating, responsive ride that only a rigid boat can give. They demand full respect for the river, its currents and obstacles, but in turn passengers feel each nuance of the riffles and can rocket off the top of some of the greatest waves in the canyon.


  • *All-inclusive, full canyon trips-280 miles
    *Round trip transportation from Las Vegas, NV
    *All camping equipment included
    *1st class meals prepared with fresh meats and produce
    *Special diets can be accomodated
    *A genourous supply of soft drinks, fruit juice & water
    *4 guests per dory, 4 or 5 dories per trip
    *Jetboat take out
    *Equipment updated consistently
    *Guides are well trained in all aspects of the Canyon, with 1st aid and food handlers certification

    *Round-trip transportation from Las Vegas, Nevada


Grand Canyon National Park